The RSPCA's Million Paws Walk 2012 was held on Sunday 20 May.
Thousands of dog lovers walked around Lake Burley Griffin with their gorgeous pooches, big and small! Animal Liberation ACT used the opportunity to hand out information on how to live a cruelty-free life, because why love some animals and eat others?
The Vegan Bake Sale at Gorman House was held on consecutive Saturdays in April 2012. Many members donated baked goods such as biscotti, cheesecake, apple and cinnamon muffins and much much more to raise nearly $1000 for the 2012 Living Green Festival.
In April-May 2012 Animal Liberation ACT protested outside the Stardust Circus on its opening night and the last three Sundays the circus was in town. The protests followed a demonstration that ALACT held to raise awareness about the unethical use of animals in circuses by Stardust Circus in Queanbeyan.
Animal Liberation ACT held a candle light vigil outside the entrance to the Parkwood battery egg facility, Canberra's only intensive animal factory, in Macgregor on Monday 2 April 2012 to highlight the cruelty involved in the egg industry.
In early March, on the opening weekend of the Victorian Duck Shooing season, Animal Liberation ACT sent a team down to Donald, Victoria to join the Coalition Against Duck Shooting (CADS) in defending thousands of waterbirds.
Animal Liberation ACT members spent the day at the University of Canberra talking to new students about animal protection issues as well as the great places to eat and shop cruelty-free in Canberra.
More university o-week market stalls! Animal Liberation ACT members spent the day talking to students at the Australian National University. University market days are a great place to talk to people about animal issues and students are often very receptive.
Christmas Vegan Outreach at the 2011 Christmas Tree lighting in Civic where our great volunteers dressed up and handed out "Go Veg" booklets, info on cruelty-free Christmas food alternatives, and candy canes!
Another education opportunity at the 2011 Eco-Christmas Markets put on by the Environment Centre at the ANU. Lara and Jess ran a Big Birds, Big Cruelty stall where they talked about how turkeys are raised for meat in Australia.
At the end of a very active year Animal Liberation ACT held the 2011 Christmas Party at Kingsland Vegan Restaurant in Dickson. The event was also a fundraiser and over $1,200 was raised in the auction. Big thanks to Kath who organised the dinner and the auction.